Hormone therapy - Revive Wellness

The first step is confirming a hormonal imbalance through hormone tests and evaluation by a physician specializing in hormone therapy, such as the practitioners at Revive Wellness. Complex hormone panel testing examines levels of key hormones and reveals imbalances contributing to suboptimal health. Revive Wellness employs cutting-edge diagnostic methodologies and regularly calibrates its lab equipment. Our clinicians interpret test results taking into account patients' symptoms and medical history for an accurate hormonal status assessment. We create individually-tailored hormone therapy regimens to restore balance.

Why Hormonal Balance Matters

Hormones like estrogen, testosterone, thyroid hormone, and cortisol orchestrate diverse bodily processes from metabolism and growth to reproduction, sleep cycles, and mood regulation.

Hormonal imbalance arises when hormone levels deviate from optimal ranges. This causes unpleasant symptoms diminishing quality of life. Low testosterone often provokes fatigue, low libido, erectile dysfunction, reduced muscle mass, weight gain, and depression in men. Perimenopausal women with declining estrogen levels may experience hot flashes, vaginal dryness, insomnia, weight gain, and memory issues.

The wide-ranging effects of hormonal imbalance negatively impact work performance, personal relationships, self-confidence, and happiness. Restoring balance via hormone therapy alleviates debilitating symptoms for enhanced wellbeing.

Our Services

Basics of Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy corrects hormonal deficiencies and imbalances through medications containing optimized levels of hormones analogous to those naturally occurring in the body. It is a safe, effective approach for improving wellness under an experienced health practitioner's supervision.

Various hormone delivery methods suit different patients' needs and preferences:

Delivery Method Description
Testosterone injections Administered intramuscularly for rapid absorption into the bloodstream
Testosterone gels/creams Topical preparations promoting transdermal testosterone absorption
Estrogen patches Adhesive patches placed on the skin to transmit estrogen
Oral medications Hormone pills convenient for daily dosing
Pellet implants Tiny hormone pellets inserted under the skin providing sustained release

Revive Wellness offers all these modalities, customizing regimens to each patient. We carefully monitor progress via follow-up testing and exams, modifying dosages as needed until symptom resolution and hormonal balance restoration.

Restore hormonal balance, reclaim your health and vitality.

Revive Wellness Specialists

The Revive Wellness houses leading practitioners in hormone therapy, hormonal imbalance treatment, and related disciplines. Our board-certified specialists possess robust medical knowledge complemented by holistic, patient-centered approaches.

They stay current on the latest advancements in our rapidly evolving field through continuing education and conferences. Revive Wellness clinicians publish scientific articles and lecture at prestigious institutions, solidifying our reputation as experts. Patients trust us to provide excellent, individualized care based on the newest research.

We also understand lifestyle, nutrition, fitness, and mental health intersect with hormonal wellness. Our practitioners offer comprehensive guidance so patients achieve maximal benefits from therapy.

Real Patient Success Stories

Many patients report life-changing improvements after beginning hormone therapy at Revive Wellness. Their inspiring stories reveal the transformative impact restoring hormonal balance imparts.

Maria S. struggled with hot flashes, sleep disturbances, mental fog, and inexplicable anxiety approaching menopause. She dreaded work and social engagements. After a friend recommended Revive Wellness, Maria met with Dr. Cynthia Lopez who ordered labs revealing low estrogen and progesterone alongside elevated stress hormones.

Custom-compounded biomimetic hormones - biologically identical to those naturally occurring - restored balance. Within weeks, Maria's symptoms largely subsided. She handles work pressures with grace and enjoys energetic mornings. Her mood, sleep quality, and relationships dramatically improved. She calls hormone therapy "a total game-changer!"

Jeff P., a 48-year-old entrepreneur noticed declining stamina, low libido, weight gain, and emotional volatility - classic low testosterone signals. He began testosterone pellet therapy at Revive Wellness which restored peak levels within a month. Jeff was amazed how much more energy, mental clarity, and motivation he had for business and fitness pursuits. His mood stabilized and he lost 15 pounds.

"Getting my testosterone optimized has helped me reclaim my health and perform at my best level," raves Jeff. "I feel years younger!"

Lisa F. struggled with debilitating menstrual symptoms like heavy bleeding, severe PMS and cramps, and breast pain starting in adolescence. After over a decade without solutions despite numerous OBGYN visits, she consulted Dr. Elaine Wong at Revive Wellness. Testing revealed estrogen dominance underlied Lisa's problems.

With holistic protocols normalizing Lisa's hormones, her periods became lighter, pain-free, and predictable. The Assisted Reproductive Therapy team helped Lisa conceive via IVF on the first try at age 38 after years of unsuccessful attempts. She's now the blissful mother of a healthy baby boy thanks to hormonal balance restoration facilitated by Revive Wellness.

"I'm so grateful for the compassionate, woman-centered care I received at Revive Wellness after so many dismissive doctors. Now in my 40's, I'm healthy, thriving in my career, and have the family I dreamed of - none of which felt possible for many years. I sing their praises to every woman I know struggling with hormones."

Importance of Timely Treatment

Research confirms hormonal imbalance significantly heightens risks for various medical conditions if left untreated long-term. These include mental illness, heart disease, diabetes, cancers of the breast/uterus, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, and autoimmune disorders.

Restoring balance promptly not only alleviates unpleasant symptoms but also reduces susceptibility to such chronic diseases. First signs of hormonal imbalance like fatigue, mood changes, sexual function declines, and sleep disruption should prompt evaluation.

Revive Wellness offers new patient consultations within two weeks - no long waiting lists! We understand the pressing need to regain wellness and vigor when hormones falter. Contact us today to schedule testing and get treatment underway.

Restore hormonal balance through personalized therapy at Revive Wellness.

Revive Wellness - Leaders in Holistic Hormonal Health

Choosing an experienced hormone therapy provider is crucial for successful outcomes. Through top-tier training, continuous education, empathy, and dedication to patients' wellbeing as whole persons, the practitioners at Revive Wellness walk with you on the journey toward lifelong hormonal balance and health.

We open at 7 AM for early appointments and offer virtual consults for remote patients, removing obstacles to accessing care. Revive Wellness accepts most insurance and provides flexible financing options - because cost should never prohibit anyone from attaining optimal hormonal wellness.

Our state-of-the-art clinic offers comprehensive testing capabilities in an environment designed for comfort. We incorporate analyte biomarkers with genetic testing for unparalleled diagnostic precision and therapy customization efficacy.

For nearly fifteen years Revive Wellness has restored vibrant vitality to thousands through individually-crafted protocols nurturing lasting hormonal harmony. Our five-star patient satisfaction ratings reflect deep clinical expertise and genuine caring. We feel privileged to facilitate expanded health potential for all who entrust us with their wellbeing.


If you are experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalance, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Revive Wellness is dedicated to providing personalized hormone therapy solutions to restore your hormonal balance and improve your overall well-being. Our team of experts is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in the field and offering comprehensive, holistic care tailored to your unique needs. Take the first step towards regaining your vitality and schedule a consultation with us today.

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